General Information

What is PICT's general business?

You can view PICT's Board members and biographies online in the Board of Directors section of the website.

Who are the Board of Directors?
You can view PICT's Board members and biographies online in the Board of Directors section of the website.
Where is the company registered?
The company is registered in Karachi, Pakistan with the Securities Exchange Commission of Pakistan
Who can I contact at PICT's to talk about investor matters?

For any queries related to the investor matters, please view the contact us page.

I have not received my PICT's dividends. Who should I contact?

For any queries related to the investor matters, please view the contact us page.

How do I purchase PICT's shares?

You can purchase PICT's shares from Pakistan Stock Exchange

Are PICT's shares Shariah compliant?

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Financial Information

Where can I find the latest financial results?

Please view, financial statements section under investor center.

When will the next set of financial results be reported?

The next set of financial results will be reported, as per the timeline of Companies Act, 2017, duly approved by the Board of Directors.

How can I receive the PICT's Annual Report?

Please view, financial statements section under investor center.


Annual General Meeting

When is the next AGM?

Please view notices, under investor center.

What happens at an AGM?

The AGM is your opportunity to become directly involved in certain company decisions. You will be asked to vote (either in person or by proxy) on important matters and you may also ask questions from them.

Why have I not received my PICT's AGM Notice?

Notice of AGM is sent to entitled shareholders.